Photographing artwork - especially works of fiber art - requires a sensitivity to the medium and a firsthand understanding of what is required to bring out the best in your work. Judy Smith-Kressley of JSK Artist’s Photography Services delivers professional service at a reasonable cost.

The most accurate color reproduction of artwork is achieved using professional Tungsten film and Tungsten quartz lights. This is what museums use to document their work. This is the only type of film used by JSK Photographic Services when slides or transparencies are requested. The fine grain of the film (rated ASA 64) means it will hold fine detail when enlarged up to 600%. Using this film in a 35 mm or 6 x 7 cm format transparencies will satisfy the needs of most publications.

All quilts and works of fiber are carefully pinned through a backdrop to a Celotex panel. Fine silk pins are used so they will be invisible in the photo and not damage the art.
Backdrop choices: black, white and neutral gray.
Paintings and 3-D work are placed on stands against the wall with the same backdrops.

About a week for slides and transparencies, including 2-day shipping for return.

Package rates including color and black/white prints are available. Images of artwork may be digitally stored on disc to be read by computer with CD-ROM drive.


Click here for order form and price list. OR
Contact the studio at:
Fax 610-688-3223
Phone (toll free) 877-866-9690


How to Photograph Your Work (and Get Professional Results)
This lecture will explain not just how, but why it is important to have professional slides of your artwork.

Using the Camera as a Design Tool
From documenting a scene in nature to a still life in the studio, cameras are an invaluable tool to broaden the artist’s point of view. Learn about a range of cameras and films that will enhance the creative process for all artists.

What’s New in the World of Quilting and Fiber Art
In networking with other artists and traveling to shows across the country, Judy has collected a vast slide library of the best of what artists are creating today.